Recognizing Alberta’s volunteers and charitable organizations

Community funding

The Community Wellbeing grant program

Giving back to the communities we serve

The Community Wellbeing grant program is strengthening our communities with 30 awards of $1,000 each to non-profit organizations that promote health and wellbeing. We are rewarding organizations that make a difference in their communities.

Apply now

Congratulations to all the 2023 recipients!

The full list is now available here.

The Community Wellbeing grant program

Giving back to the communities we serve

The Community Wellbeing grant program is strengthening our communities with 30 awards of $1,000 each to non-profit organizations that promote health and wellbeing. We are rewarding organizations that make a difference in their communities.

Apply now

Congratulations to all the 2023 recipients!

The full list is now available here.

Who is eligible?

Organizations need to be Alberta-based (this includes Alberta chapters of national organizations) and provide services that promote the physical, mental or social wellbeing of community members. Examples include the following:

  • newcomers and refugees,
  • seniors,
  • families,
  • vulnerable youth,
  • children,
  • LGBTQ2S+,
  • individuals with disabilities,
  • individuals requiring mental health support,
  • indigenous peoples, and
  • visible minorities.

The following types of organizations are not eligible:

  • animal welfare charities,
  • private clubs,
  • political parties, and
  • religious institutions (unless in the context of providing services to the community at large).

Organizations will be able to nominate themselves for this grant.

This year, the program will launch on September 3 and run until October 31.

Apply now

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Community Wellbeing grant program, please email us at

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Our students deserve to have an equal playing field like every other kid in the city. Through your donation, our kids see that kindness is possible in this world and that they are truly special."