Recognizing Alberta’s volunteers and charitable organizations

Community funding

The Community Wellbeing grant program

Celebrating our 75th anniversary by giving back to the communities we serve

We want to ensure that communities across Alberta have the resources they need to create healthy, vibrant lives—and that the people making that happen are properly recognized. That’s why this new program was introduced in 2023 in recognition of our 75th anniversary. Our objective was to celebrate our legacy of giving back to the communities we serve.

The Community Wellbeing grant program celebrated our province’s exceptional volunteers by giving out awards of $1000 each, plus another $1000 to the charitable organization they volunteer with. This program rewarded people who make a difference in the health and wellness of Albertans. Whether that’s volunteering with a senior’s centre, an arts council or a children’s sports league, we wanted to invest in the people who invested in community.

Congratulations to all the recipients!

The full list is now available here.

The Community Wellbeing grant program

Celebrating our 75th anniversary by giving back to the communities we serve

We want to ensure that communities across Alberta have the resources they need to create healthy, vibrant lives—and that the people making that happen are properly recognized. That’s why this new program was introduced in 2023 in recognition of our 75th anniversary. Our objective was to celebrate our legacy of giving back to the communities we serve.

The Community Wellbeing grant program celebrated our province’s exceptional volunteers by giving out awards of $1000 each, plus another $1000 to the charitable organization they volunteer with. This program rewarded people who make a difference in the health and wellness of Albertans. Whether that’s volunteering with a senior’s centre, an arts council or a children’s sports league, we wanted to invest in the people who invested in community.

Congratulations to all the recipients!

The full list is now available here.

Who was eligible?

Eligible volunteers

The ideal nominee was a volunteer with an organization that promotes the physical, mental or social wellbeing of community members. Eligible individuals needed to meet the following criteria:

  • Volunteered for an Alberta-based non-profit, charitable or community-based organization.
  • Is an Alberta resident 18 years of age or over.
  • Provided service in a voluntary capacity and does not receive compensation from the organization for their involvement.

All nominations needed to be made by the organization the nominee volunteers with. Volunteers couldn’t apply for the Community Wellbeing grant program themselves. The volunteer needed to accept the nomination to be eligible.

Eligible organizations

Organizations needed to be Alberta-based (this includes Alberta chapters of national organizations) and provide services that promote the physical, mental or social wellbeing of community members. Examples include:

  • senior's associations,
  • community groups,
  • agricultural societies,
  • school councils,
  • arts or culture groups,
  • children’s activity organizations, and
  • amateur sports teams.

The following types of organizations were not eligible:

  • animal welfare charities,
  • private clubs,
  • political parties, and
  • religious institutions (unless in the context of providing services to the community at large).

Eligible organizations could nominate one of their volunteers for a Community Wellbeing grant. If the organization’s volunteer was selected, then the organization also received a matching donation of $1000.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Community Wellbeing grant program, please email us at

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Our students deserve to have an equal playing field like every other kid in the city. Through your donation, our kids see that kindness is possible in this world and that they are truly special."