Access 24/7

Making mental health care more accessible

In 2019, Alberta Blue Cross® started our support of Access 24/7. It’s a place where adults struggling with mental health and addictions can receive all the support they need in one place. The concept was coined project #onedooryeg to provide one easy place for people to access many mental health supports. Here, patients and families have access to 100 support services in one spot, making it easier for them to navigate what can feel like a complicated system. While this concept is being piloted in Edmonton, it has potential to make an impact across the province.

See how this partnership has enabled us to continue supporting Albertans’ health through the COVID-19 pandemic.

phone with red cross

24/7 access

a heart shape in brain

Mental health and well-being

live chat on screen

100 support services in one spot

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Stylized icon of quoation marks, in a bright, lime green.
I've learned how to remain calm even though the world around me is sometimes spinning."