Free Play for Kids

Running shoe shape.

Free Play is a free school club for kids in grades one through 12, that works with vulnerable schools in Edmonton. They provide students with the opportunity to be active and play after school, during those critical hours when youth can get in trouble.

We’re happy to support their snack program. Each day a healthy snack is provided to each student and over one year 35,000 snacks are distributed to over 500 students.

  • 80 per cent of parents said participating in Free Play helps their child do better in school.
  • 92 per cent of the children felt more included because they participated in Free Play.
  • 92 per cent of parents said their child’s confidence went up after participating in Free Play.

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Stylized icon of quoation marks, in a bright, lilac color.
I've learned how to remain calm even though the world around me is sometimes spinning."