University of Calgary

Healthy Food Prescription Research

Understanding the impact of food insecurity

Increasing access to healthy food improves health and may save the Alberta health care system up to $25 million per year1. We partnered with the University of Calgary research team to help address the lack of fair access to affordable, healthy food.

The study involves 600 food-insecure participants with Type 2 diabetes from several rural and urban communities in Alberta. It will provide participants with information about healthy eating (a healthy food prescription) and researchers will test the impact of the healthy food subsidy on improving health outcomes.

Learn more about the healthy food prescription study here.

To learn more about the study, visit the study website.

Stylized icon of quoation marks, in a bright, lime green. This program will mobilize and unite multiple sectors to improve the health of the participants, bridging primary care, population health, social services and industry. The benefits will extend to all household members, including children,"

[1] University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine. Study seeks to understand the impact of food insecurity on our health. Available at:

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Stylized icon of quoation marks, in a bright, lime green.
I've learned how to remain calm even though the world around me is sometimes spinning."