Faces of Wellness application

Applicant or nominee contact details

Note: asterisks (*) indicate required information.

Please enter full name
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid phone number (including area code)
Please enter your street address
Please enter city

Please enter a valid Post code
0 / 2000 characters
Please tell us why you or your nominee is a face of wellness
Please tell us how did you hear about this program

If you’re nominating someone else, please provide your contact information.

Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid phone number (including area code)

You will receive a confirmation message to the email you provided in your application shortly. To complete your application, please respond to the email with any relevant imagery or video that supports your submission (if applicable).

Stylized icon of quoation marks, in a bright, lilac color
Our students deserve to have an equal playing field like every other kid in the city. Through your donation, our kids see that kindness is possible in this world and that they are truly special."